Our partner, Pedro A Jedlicka, will participate as a speaker at the “10th Forum on Anti-Corruption Compliance in High Risk Markets” to be held at the Kimpton Hotel Palomar in Washington, DC on July 24-25, 2019.

He will have the privilege to present the following topics in a 20-minute-session focused only on Venezuela, that will take place on July 25 at 12.30 pm: «The Impact of Anti-Corruption Global Provisions in Venezuela: Is it Possible to Do Business in Venezuela Without Breaching International Ethics and Compliance Standards?

•• The impact of the FCPA, UK Bribery Act, Sapin II with doing business in Venezuela
•• Areas of potential risks
•• Due diligence, training and other preventive measures to avoid potential breaches of global anti-corruption provisions
•• What to expect in the near future»

We hope you to have the opportunity to attend this interesting event in Washington, DC, looking forward to see you there!

For more information about this event click here